Top Tips

How to change the language within Teams

Accessing Teams through your phone (iPhone)

You can access your Teams through your iPhone, this video shows you how.


‘Spotlight’ allows you to share a specific webcam/video to everyone that is present during your call/lesson. This feature can be used if you want a specific school or pupil to share information during a lesson or to complete an oracy activity to the rest of the class.

How to ‘hide students names’ when providing feedback

The following video outlines some tips that may support you with your assignments in Microsoft Teams.

Where to find your assignments

The following video outlines some tips that may support you with your assignments in Microsoft Teams.

Fit to Frame

Do you sometimes find that some of your pupils during your e-sgol lessons have been cropped from the webcam video and you can’t them all. If so, ‘Fit to Frame’ may answer your question.

Lobby feature within Teams

How to set up and using the Lobby in Microsoft Teams effectively.